01 About me

I'm a work in progress

I embrace feedback, learn from failure and can handle criticism. Ask me about my level of proficiency in an area, and I'll respond, "With or without Google?" I've developed solid skills in different domains, but I'm always finding ways to improve.

A Google search makes people perceive me as smart

I don't know very much, but we're in the information era. "Have you tried googling it?" is my response to someone asking me a question I don't know the answer to. Frankly, I resort to google everyday (when faced with a technical roadblock, trying to be resourceful, or curious about a subject).

I have an informal, yet official, personal credo

Act with integrity and authenticity. Keep a sense of humor. Be a value creator. Question the status quo. Remember the people involved. Check my privileges. Hear both sides before judging. Make data-driven decisions. Defend those who are absent. Always be learning and growing. Listen to my heart. Pay it forward.